OCTOBER 15TH, 2024| Casa Larga Vineyards









The Greater Rochester Excellence and Achievements in Technology (GREAT) Awards recognize the innovative spirit and technological advancements within the Greater Rochester region. For over a decade, TechRochester’s GREAT Awards have honored and showcased outstanding achievements across all aspects of technology. The GREAT Awards serve as a platform to inspire, connect, and celebrate the vibrant ecosystem of tech innovation and excellence in Rochester. By recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions, the awards encourage continued innovation, collaboration, and growth, that drives our region forward.

5:30PM – 7:00PM – Networking with hors dourves and cash bar

7:00PM – 8:30PM – GREAT Awards Ceremony




Award Category Overview. Nominations are closed.

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The TechRochester Best Tech Startup Award recognizes new tech companies that are five years old or younger and have demonstrated the greatest development, market traction, and promising potential for success. 

This award acknowledges the significant achievements of Rochester-based startups that have successfully navigated the challenges of launching and/or scaling their ventures. The winning startup will have established a strong market presence, gaining recognition for their innovative products, services, or solutions, and showcasing their unique value proposition. Equally important is the quality of the startup’s management team, as the winning company will have a leadership team that possesses a clear vision, strategic thinking, and effective execution capabilities. 

Judging Criteria:

  1. Growth and Traction: The startup’s ability to achieve substantial year-over-year growth, gain market traction, and attract a significant customer base.
  2. Product or Service Innovation: The uniqueness, differentiation, and impact of the startup’s product, service, or solution within the industry.
  3. Market Potential and Scalability: The startup’s potential for long-term success, scalability, and expansion in their target market or beyond.
  4. Financial Performance: The company’s financial stability, revenue generation, and profitability.
  5. Management Team and Execution: The strength, expertise, and track record of the startup’s management team in driving growth, innovation, and strategic decision-making.


The TechRochester Outstanding Tech Team Award seeks to honor and celebrate the remarkable achievements of teams that have showcased exceptional tech-based innovation and fostered an outstanding work environment while doing so. They will have implemented groundbreaking ideas, processes, or products that have had a significant impact on their industry or the broader technological landscape. 

The winning team will demonstrate a keen understanding of cutting-edge technologies and utilize them effectively to solve complex problems and deliver outstanding solutions. The team should also exemplify a commitment to creating an exceptional work environment; they will demonstrate a strong culture of collaboration and employee growth. Their forward-thinking approach and ability to stay ahead of the curve will set them apart as true leaders in the field.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Technological Excellence: The team’s ability to demonstrate exceptional technical skills, expertise, and knowledge relevant to their field.
  2. Innovation and Creativity: The team’s ability to generate and implement innovative ideas, processes, or products that drive significant impact and set new benchmarks.
  3. Agility and Resilience: The team’s capacity to adapt to changing circumstances, overcome challenges, and deliver outstanding results in dynamic tech environments.
  4. Employee Engagement and Development: The team’s efforts in creating a supportive work environment that promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and professional growth.
  5. Impact and Results: The measurable outcomes achieved by the team in terms of business impact, industry recognition, or technological advancements


The TechRochester Tech for Good Award seeks to shine a spotlight on inspiring initiatives that leverage technology as a force for positive impact. Whether it’s advancing social equality, addressing environmental challenges, improving healthcare access, fostering education, or empowering marginalized communities, this award acknowledges the pivotal role technology can play in shaping a brighter future for all, both in Rochester and beyond.

The Tech for Good Award is a platform to honor organizations or individuals who harness the power of technology to create positive, meaningful, and sustainable impacts on society and the environment.

Judging Criteria: 

  1. Community Impact: The extent to which the project has made a tangible and positive difference in the lives of individuals or communities, demonstrating real-world outcomes.
  2. Creativity: The level of originality exhibited in using technology to address a specific challenge or problem, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
  3. Sustainability: The long-term viability and scalability of the project, ensuring its positive impact endures and grows over time.
  4. Inclusivity: The extent to which the project considers and promotes diversity, accessibility, and inclusivity in its design and implementation.
  5. Ethical Use of Technology: The commitment to ethical practices, data privacy, and transparency in deploying technology for social good.


The TechRochester Tech Rebel award recognizes those who have demonstrated exceptional innovation, boldness, and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology. This award honors individuals or organizations in the greater Rochester area that have taken a revolutionary approach to technology, harnessing its power to challenge conventional norms and drive transformative change. 

The winning individual or organization will have displayed a deep understanding of emerging technologies and their potential to reshape industries. TechRochester’s Tech Rebel award celebrates the remarkable achievements of individuals or organizations that build on the capacity of technology to challenge the status quo and effect positive change. 

Judging Criteria:

  1. Disruptive Innovation: The individual or organization’s ability to challenge existing norms and create substantial shifts in their industry through the innovative use of technology.
  2. Market Impact: The extent to which the individual or organization has successfully created or reshaped markets, leading to measurable impact and industry recognition.
  3. Customer Focus: The ability to identify and address the needs of overlooked or discontented customers, bringing value to underserved segments.
  4. Boldness and Risk-Taking: The willingness to take calculated risks, challenge established practices, and embrace unconventional approaches in pursuing their vision.
  5. Thought Leadership: The individual or organization’s influence in shaping industry conversations, inspiring others, and driving the overall advancement of technology.


The TechRochester Exceptional Tech Service Provider Excellence Award celebrates the achievements of professional services firms or internal corporate teams that excel in creating cutting-edge solutions, products, or providing exceptional professional services by leveraging technology. This award recognizes the contributions of these organizations in driving technological innovation and excellence in service delivery.

Professional services firms and corporate teams play a crucial role in harnessing the power of technology to solve complex challenges, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver exceptional value to their clients or internal stakeholders; this award honors those who stand out in their commitment to innovation and excellence in the realm of technology-driven solutions and services.

Judging Criteria: 

  1. Technological Expertise: The extent to which the firm or team leverages technology to develop groundbreaking solutions or services that address real-world problems or opportunities.
  2. Client Impact: The measurable impact of the firm’s solutions or services on clients or internal stakeholders, demonstrated through improved processes, enhanced productivity, cost savings, or other significant benefits.
  3. Service Quality: The demonstration of exceptional service delivery, including responsiveness, professionalism, and the ability to exceed client expectations.
  4. Customer-Centric Approach: The focus on understanding and addressing the unique needs and challenges of clients, resulting in tailor-made solutions and personalized services.
  5. Sustainability and Scalability: The consideration of long-term sustainability and scalability in the development and deployment of technology solutions or services.


This award recognizes an exceptional Project Manager who utilizes Agile methodologies, Scrum, and Agile Principles to drive innovation, collaboration, and exceptional project outcomes. The Agile Excellence Award celebrates outstanding leadership, strategic vision, and relentless commitment to achieving excellence in project management through Agile practices.  

Judging Criteria: 

  1. Successful Application of Agile Methodologies: Explain how agile principles were seamlessly integrated into project planning, execution, and adaptation resulting in improved collaboration, transparency, and responsiveness.
  2. Innovation and Adaptability: Provide clear examples of successfully navigating challenges, pivoting when necessary and embracing change to suit the unique demands of the project. 
  3. Collaboration and Team Empowerment: Share how Scrum principles were used creatively to encourage cross-functional teamwork, promote open communication, and enhance team engagement.
  4. Results and Impact: What tangible results were realized at the conclusion of the project, such as improved project delivery times, enhanced product quality, increased customer satisfaction or other measurable outcomes that demonstrate the effectiveness of Agile practices.    


The Student Tech Leader Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates and honors the exceptional achievements of a student who demonstrates excellence in the field of technology. This award is designed to acknowledge the remarkable contributions of a student who not only excels academically but also actively contributes to the broader tech community at their institution and beyond.

The Outstanding Student in Tech award aims to inspire and celebrate the next generation of tech leaders, emphasizing not only technical proficiency but also a commitment to fostering positive change within the larger tech ecosystem.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Academic Excellence: The recipient of this award must showcase outstanding academic performance in their chosen tech field, demonstrating a deep understanding of theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  2. Leadership Skills: The recipient should exhibit strong leadership skills, fostering a collaborative and inspiring environment within the tech community at their institution or in other relevant spaces.
  3. Innovative Projects: The judging panel will assess the student’s involvement in innovative tech projects. Whether it’s groundbreaking research, software development, or hardware innovations, the winner should have a proven track record of pushing the boundaries of technology.
  4. Community Engagement: Beyond the classroom, the ideal candidate actively engages with the tech community, sharing knowledge, collaborating with peers, and participating in events that promote the exchange of ideas and skills. This could include contributions to open-source projects, mentorship initiatives, or involvement in tech-related community service.


Interested in becoming a sponsor? Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch within 1-2 business days.




– Full page program ad (exclusive position)

– Full website banner ad on GREAT event website as the “Exclusive Presenting Sponsor” for one full year

– Promotional email banner ad 1x/week leading up to the GREAT Awards

– Your company material on tabletops

Ten (10) seats at the GREAT Awards

Exhibitor table at the opening networking reception (must request)

200-word essay style business promotional article submitted by sponsoring company included in the GREAT Program

Company logo displayed:

* event website

* signage at event

* event social media

* email newsletters




– 1/2 page program ad

– 1/2 website banner ad on GREAT event website as the “Networking Sponsor” for one full year

– Promotional email banner ad 1x/week leading up to the GREAT Awards

– Your company material on tabletops

– Four (4) seats at the GREAT Awards

Company logo displayed:

* event website

* signage at event

* event social media

* email newsletters




– 1/2 page program ad

– 1/2 website banner ad on GREAT event website as the “Awards Sponsor” for one full year

– Presentation of 1 Award at the GREAT Awards

– Promotional email banner ad 1x/week leading up to the GREAT Awards

– Your company material on tabletops and company logo showcased while sponsored award is being presented

– Two (2) seats at the GREAT Awards

Company logo displayed:

* event website

* signage at event

* event social media

* email newsletters


$750 – $1000


1/4 OR 1/2 Page Ad – Selection of 

location (not back cover)


Ticket sales coming soon.

“There is no shortage of award ceremonies in the Rochester region, but the GREAT Awards focus solely on the technology industry… and that’s why it’s so GREAT.”